"Oil men do not base decisions on EROEI, ultimately EROEI will determine their ability to make money, and that is their driving motivation. Finance can only temporarily allow people to ignore thermodynamics. EROEI effectively determines what is and is not an energy source for a given society. Unconventional fossil fuels are caught in a paradox - that their EROEI is too low for them to sustain a society complex enough to produced them ... as the conventional sources disappear, and that society can no longer support itself, the ability to undertake all the activities required for unconventional production will be lost ... The same argument applies to renewable power as it is currently practiced ... What high Energy Return On Energy Investment makes possible, low EROEI will eventually take away."
Ein Artikel von Nicole Foss über ihren E-Mail-Austausch mit George Monbiot bezüglich des Zusammenhangs zwischen Demand Destruction, Peak Credit, fehlenden Investitionen in den Ölsektor und künftigen Produktionsengpässen im Kontext von Peak Oil sowie der Unfähigkeit des niedrigen EROEIs [Energy Return on Energy Invested] unkonventioneller Ölquellen wie Teersanden und dichten Tongesteinen, eine Gesellschaften hoher Komplexität aufrechtzuerhalten. Erschienen auf The Automatic Earth (8. Juli 2012).