"'We're losing one major exporter per year,' [petroleum geologist Jeffrey] Brown said. He expects that
rate of loss to continue. He added that as a group, oil production in
the 33 countries he tracks has hit a plateau, bouncing between 61 and 63
million barrels per day since 2005. If total production from exporting
nations starts to fall, look for an acceleration in the decline of net
exports. Brown said importers around the world are already being forced to
respond to an ongoing decline in net exports. 'We are on our way to
energy independence,' he joked. "'Just not in the way that we expected.'"
Ein Artikel von Kurt Cobb über sinkende Ölexportmengen der ölexportierenden Länder aufgrund des Förderrückgangs alter Felder und des dort steigenden Eigenverbrauchs. Erschienen auf Resource Insights (23. September 2012).