"Oil production from Alaska’s North
Slope dropped 7.9 percent in January from a year earlier as
output from wells declined and new ones weren’t added. Production averaged 576,959 barrels a day last month, down from 626,155 in January 2012 ... Alaska’s North Slope has been yielding less oil every year
since 2002 as output from wells naturally declines. The
shrinking supply has spurred refiners on the U.S. West Coast ... to pursue rail shipments
from the U.S. Midwest and prompted Flint Hills Resources LLC to
shut a crude unit at its North Pole refinery in Alaska. 'We haven’t had any new fields come online this month,'
Ed King, petroleum economist for Alaska’s tax division in
Anchorage, Alaska, said by telephone. 'So we just continue to
see the same natural decline we’ve seen in previous months.'"
Zum Artikel von Lynn Doan, erschienen auf Bloomberg (1. Februar 2013) »