"In this post I present actual Norwegian natural gas production,
status on reserves, the development in discoveries and what this results
for Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) and my expectations for the
future delivery potential for Norwegian natural gas.
Norway, after Russia, has been and is the EU’s second biggest supplier of natural gas.Included is also a brief look at developments in actual consumption and production of natural gas in the EU 28 (the 28 members of the European Union).
- NPD revised down their band for future delivery potential by about 10 Gcm/a (Bcm/a) and moved the start of decline one year forward relative to their forecast last year.
- I now expect the Norwegian delivery potential for natural gas relative to 2014/2015 to decline by more than 40% by 2025.
- Europe will increasingly have to rely on natural gas imports from more distant sources and should by now have implemented policies for the role natural gas will have in its future energy mix.
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