"It is now 10 years that the coalition of the willing, err… peaking
(US peak 1970, UK peak 1999, Australia peak 2000) invaded Iraq. This was
not just an oil war. It was a peak oil war. GW Bush and Cheney were
oilmen. In his famous 1999 oil-is-not-leisurewear speech Dick Cheney
identified the Middle East as the place where the “prize lies”. While
Saudi Arabia was at peak or approaching peak, Iraq had under-produced
oil for 20 years and production in the 90s was capped by UN sanctions
because of Saddam ruling Iraq. The idea was to get at Iraq’s “easy”
pre-peak oil to push the global peak a couple of years into the future. But oil wars don’t solve any problems, they only create new ones."
Zum Artikel von Matt Mushalik, erschienen auf Crude Oil Peak (16. März 2013) »
Zum Artikel von Matt Mushalik, erschienen auf Crude Oil Peak (16. März 2013) »