"Rather than destruction by environmental crisis (“climate change”) or
economic crisis (“peak oil”) we face an intricately linked combination
of the two (“extreme energy”). This is not to deny the importance of
either climate change or peak oil, but they not only have the same cause
but are happening in the context of each other, so neither can be
viewed in isolation ... As our society’s unsustainable consumption of energy depletes easier to
extract resources, it is driving the exploitation of evermore extreme
and damaging energy sources. From fracking to the push to build a string
of new biomass power stations which will devour the world’s remaining
forests and the plans for a wave of new, more dangerous, nuclear power
stations, energy extraction is becoming much more destructive ... This path leads to a world where energy extraction dominates the
economy, and the majority of the population lives in its shadow."
Zum Artikel & zum Video von Frack Off, erschienen im Ecologist (28. Februar 2013) »
Zum Artikel & zum Video von Frack Off, erschienen im Ecologist (28. Februar 2013) »